29 Dec 2005
Well just wanted to post something bout system cooling a FEAR last time I played fear at like 1024 x 768, My pc was making some strange noise obviously it was straining maybe the CPU was just didn't sound quite right I didn't notice any stability issues but was wondering if its actually a good idea to be playing games when the pc sounds like that and is blowing out hot air :D

Also does this game support W/S resolutions? since now I have the NEC20WGX2

I think there is a way to go into the .config files and put a custom resolution. And if ther was a problem, i'm sure your PC would mess up someway, but check your temps under load just to be on the safe side
Well what could happen technically if it did over heat say I played F.E.A.R for 2 - 3 hours one day its not likely to blow up or melt obviously or least I hope :D
JoeBoi said:
Well what could happen technically if it did over heat say I played F.E.A.R for 2 - 3 hours one day its not likely to blow up or melt obviously or least I hope :D

It is possible ;) Just watch out and if the temps are too high get a new fan or more cooling :D
lol, some reason I'd love to see it just melt, just not with my pc seen the exploading processor looked fun :D. Well thanks for the help I checked the temps of the GPU and it was sitting around at 61 whilst it was on Medium gfx which is fine for me :D
Its not gonna melt or explode.
I doubt it wil leven drastically overheat unless you have non air flow in your case at all.
Warm air coming out of the back of a computer can be expected.

The computer will shut off before exploding or melting or anything.
JoeBoi said:
lol, some reason I'd love to see it just melt, just not with my pc seen the exploading processor looked fun :D. Well thanks for the help I checked the temps of the GPU and it was sitting around at 61 whilst it was on Medium gfx which is fine for me :D

Dude, why such low settings? I have a X800GTO whichi is a bit worse than your card and I play 1024 rez, all high settings, SS off, 4 AA and 8 AF and getting constant 30fps. :D
Cause my pc just gets really hot on higher settings I don't need extra radiators :D I thought this game was ment to be 60fps? or thats what I like having source on
That damn FEAR cost me loads as my old Barton @ 2.3 & X800 @ 580/580 couldn't hack it and stuttered badly at 1024, when I made a new system I never played the game again, lol.
Do you crank it up to 1680 x 1050 also? The game gets stuck when its saving quite annoying I just want a smoothe game really
The noise could be your gfx card - mine squeals. I think certain components do it.

Also, with the whole 'woh, my Voodoo2 can play it maxed out at 10fps' comments - different people like to play at different frame rates. I like 50fps minimum, so I play @ 1280 x 960, 16x AF, High, AA Off, SS Off.
Well yeah thats right, I don't really like playing at 30fps when ever I lock the frames on CSsource I wonder how people can actually play it at 30. Your prob right about it being the GFX card, I thought it was the CPU doing it.
horses for courses there - I dont like to play a game at less than 60 fps average, for fear I made an exception and it runs at a pretty constant 40ish on my rig @ 1024x768 with some of the eye candy off and 2xAA 4xAF
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