F@H Clients

20 Aug 2008
A few months ago I bought a new laptop that I keep on pretty much all the time, and until recently I had completely forgot to install F@H on it.
Yesterday I installed some client on it, but I've actually installed 2 clients.. Is this right?
I thought the first one didn't install properly, so I downloaded it again and re-installed it, but it turns out it did install, and now both differant versions are running.
I have installed the normal F@H client it told me to install and the Nvidia one, so now in my system try I have running:
GPU - F@H working (xxx/xxx)
CPU - F@H downloading xxx

Is this right?
I've got a i3 processor and a 310m graphics card.

Edit: After the CPU - F@H downloading for a few hours it said it failed error #9. Is this because I have 2 clients installed?
Edit2:Re-read the instructions , and it says to install 2 CPU because of the 2 cores, did that and now they are both nicely active.
I think the GPU client should be installed, right? They're all working away now after a restart and checking their ID's. If I should have installed 3 clients do let me know :)
I've only done this on my Mac before which is very much simpler.
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Instead of having 2 CPU clients installed you could use 1 SMP client which uses both cores and might net you a bit more PPD. The GPU client can be installed as well that shouldn't cause any problems.

The only thing I would say though is although it is great that you are folding, be careful about doing it for too long on your laptop. It is hard to disperse the heat and prolonged folding on laptops (ie 24/7) could cause damage.

If you get any more errors post the messages and we can probably work out what is going on :)
Yeah, I don't trust it cooling through the built in fans 24/7, I usually leave the GPU on 60% or so when I'm not gaming or encoding movies, I usually have one CPU client on always at around 70%. I shan't work it too hard, thanks for the advice!
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