F@H Console stalls..

22 Nov 2002
South UK
I've got the F@H 502 console verison and it stalls when the work unit is finnished, it will not download a new one. I have to load the ordinary windows client for it to get a new unit... Any ideas what's causing it?

have you got it configured to ask you before it connects to the network?
that would be my first guess as when the client is set up as a service it won't be able to display the message

as Billy has said post your fahlog.txt (preferably just the section where this is actually happening) and we have a better idea of what is wrong
rich99million said:
have you got it configured to ask you before it connects to the network?
that would be my first guess as when the client is set up as a service it won't be able to display the message

as Billy has said post your fahlog.txt (preferably just the section where this is actually happening) and we have a better idea of what is wrong

First thing that came into my head too.

Stan :)
I let it wait until another WU was ready.. It turns out there is no problem, It just takes about 10 minutes to upload the completed unit and to download a new one. I just got inpatient as i saw the client sitting there doing nothing.. :)

Sorry to bother you about it, I've now got another computer into my folding team so should help towards the cause..
Unfortunately, it looks like I'm now having a problem with the very same thing, I was going to post a new thread, but since this one's already here... Here's the log...

[13:50:20] - Error: Attempt #343 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[14:37:21] - Autosending finished units...
[14:37:21] Trying to send all finished work units
[14:37:21] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[14:37:21] - Autosend completed
[14:38:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:38:31] - Will indicate memory of 510 MB.
[14:38:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:43:31] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[14:43:31] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[14:48:31] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[14:48:31] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[14:48:31] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[14:48:31] - Error: Attempt #344 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

I followed the install instruction in the "How To" thread to the letter. Told it not to ask me before contacting the server etc etc... any ideas please?

My production has dropped way off since I took off the GUI console. I only did that because I read in one of these threads that it takes CPU cycles that could otherwise be used for crunching!
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Kyzia, what happens when you ping the server? If you don't know the IP address of the server you need, check the fahlog.txt generated by running with -verbosity 9.

If you find that a ping is ineffective you may be having proxy issues. Do you have a firewall? Is Windows firewall allowing it to connect?

I tried pinging the server and got:

Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Server is if that helps?

I'm running this through work and there is a firewall installed and I'm going through a proxy server. But these didn't stop the GUI client from working. I have tried to find settings to change for these, but apart from the logon tab of the service (which doesn't work if I try to change the username/password) I can't find anywhere to change it?
Have you configured the proxy in the console configuration mode and it's just not working or is it that you never set it up and it's not able to get through?
Erm... *Blank look*

That probably means that I haven't set it up then!! (but it had been getting through when I first installed it so that seems a little weird)

How do I get to the console config mode?
Stop the service with services.msc, just as usual. Go to the folder where you have the client. Perform the shortcut trick I described in the Still-in-progress FAH how-to BETA. When you've got the shortcut made, run it. The proxy option is the 6th question asked (for those who are counting). Say yes then give the proxy location and port and poassword if applicable. This is also a fine time to check to see if your installation is properly pimped with YES to WU >5MB and -advmethods.

Does that do it for you?
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Hi again, sorry it's taken me so long to get this tested out. Work got a bit manic!

I've done the above and all seems to be ok for now. FahMon is actually reporting a connection anyway! Thanks! :)
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