F@H on 1055T

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
Lots of talk about the i7, but for those of use with AM3 boards is there much scope for decent figures off the AMD 1055T?

Can it run bigadv?
Hmm... That's annoying.
So to get to 30k ppd on CPU would cost about £400, whereas to get to 15k ppd would cost only £120.

I just can't justify an i7.
But you get to the situation I'm in where I'm running a pc with 2 x 8800GS and an Athlon 3800+ which is about 10k ppd total.
I could go for 2 x GTS450 which would give an increase of possibly 20k ppd and would cost £200. Looking at Phenom prices I'd be looking at a further £150 for a 1055T which would probably add 10k ppd.
I'd hope that my total would be about 40kppd having spent £350 but I'd have reached the limitations of my board/CPU for further growth.

The cheapest I can see to put together an i7 950 bundle is £428 which would give me maybe 30k ppd on bigadv plus my 9k on the GPUs. I'd then have an extra GPU slot to fill and the option later of going to GTS450's.
Theoretically I could get to 75k ppd having spent £720 and as I'm typing this I can feel how insane it is to be considering it.

You know what? I think I'll just keep my 10k ppd and not spend anything!:p
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To run an 1055T I only need the cpu.
To run the i7 I need cpu, board and memory.

That's where the cost comes in.
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