F@H - what client/method for this rig?

I should know better than to ask first, then read the manual!

I was asking how to use a quad core as well as GPU but worked it out.
Should be able to contribute 4 fast cores, 2 atom cores and a 5770 GPU.

Every little helps I guess.
Yes, the atom performance is rubbish and I may take the folding client off.
The 5770 is getting more points than the CPU which surprises me. It's an opteron 1354 @2.2 but maybe that doesn't cut it in the folding world!
So this is how it is looking at the moment:

I'm very green to this so am not sure I'm reading it right.
PPD is the overall measure of daily throughput?

I'm disappointed that the Opteron (ML115) is not that much better than the Atom (HAL). Is this just bad config on my part? It's maxing all 4 cores using the -SMP flag.

Would I be better running a Linux VM for the CPU and leave the GPU on Windows?

I know I'm never going to be returning big numbers, but would have hoped for more than I'm seeing at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated.

I've installed that and I'm showing 1375 ppd. Something feels wrong but I don't know what.
Will do. Just reinstalled the CPU smp client and am waiting for it to update.
No, the server isn't doing anything other than folding and the 4 cores are maxed out.
Project ID: 6024
Core: GRO-A3
Credit: 474
Frames: 100

Name: ML115 CPU
Path: C:\Users\emailiscrap\FAH\
Number of Frames Observed: 2

Min. Time / Frame : 00:21:03 - 952.0 PPD
Avg. Time / Frame : 00:26:12 - 685.6 PPD
Cur. Time / Frame : 00:31:22 - 572.6 PPD
R3F. Time / Frame : 00:00:00 - 0.0 PPD
All Time / Frame : 00:26:12 - 685.6 PPD
Eff. Time / Frame : 00:30:02 - 598.1 PPD
I've changed the flag and will monitor.
The gpu exe is taking approx 20% of cpu resource.
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