F@H WU 1495 & 1497 -advmethods

3 Jul 2004
Helena, Montana
I had trouble with one of my Dual-XEON rigs, 2.4 version. So I cleared all the data except the Core and the CFG file. When I reloaded / restarted them all, they all locked onto 1495 & 1497 WU's.

Thing is, I removed ADVMETHODS from the start up on my e6800 & e6600 rig earlier this week. Since then I've gotten a non-stop stream of these WU's where before I was lumbered with 21xx 3 day WU's.

I dont know what's up with this, but these WU's are quick, and healthy in the points category. May be worth a try to clear all the files in your FAH forlder, remove -advmethods and have a go at it.
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Berserker said:
Makes me wonder if I should break out the GPU or not this weekend.
Exactly my thought. I've just picked up another e6600 and x1950 Pro. I might set up one 6600 with 2x GPU's and clock the other e6600 for normal WU's.

What does one do :D
rich99million said:
Same here - I wonder if KE1HA still has -advmethods selected one way or the other (since there are two ways if using the v5.04 client) :confused:
I ran the -config only option and said no to -advmethods, as well as editing the Registry to ensure the start-up wasn't throwing it on. In the log file, when the clients are stated, -advmethods is clearly not enabled or showing up now, whereas before it was.

I dont know, or at least have no data to support if the -advmethods have anything at all to do with the fact I'm getting 1495 / 1497 WU's, it's just an observation on those three machines.

Will let you know more tonight, as Im firing up the third box.
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