**F1 2010 fastest laps thread**

25 May 2009
now this is not a competition i would just like to know what sort lap times people get.
i just manage to break into the 1:56's in the lotus with no aids and a clear track.
the track was bahrain, the ai were on easy but it was my first go on this game so i wanted to start on easy a move it up if i needed to.

EDIT i'm using a G27
this is not restricted to pc version xbox and ps3 are welcome.
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I was getting about 2mins with the driving line and medium traction control.

I am finding the geam quite hard but will try it again soon.

Btw, the chicane on Bahrain seems to have a braking zone waaaaaaaay before it.
Do you ignore this and brake much later?
I was getting about 2mins with the driving line and medium traction control.

I am finding the geam quite hard but will try it again soon.

Btw, the chicane on Bahrain seems to have a braking zone waaaaaaaay before it.
Do you ignore this and brake much later?

all lines were off so i don't know.
2:02 with keyboard and all assists on time trial lol, the car felt much slower than the car in career mode with the upgrades mind.
my best was 2.03 something :) i feel very bad when i see 1.52 time for this track. but i never played formula games before, so i think its quite good for me. And yeah it's hard game :)
Trouble is theres too many variables, not just driving aids, for lap times to be compared. Mainly fuel and tire simulation, which is disabled in Time Trial and can slash your lap times by a lot, theres also the option to have this enabled or not in career. I'm talking 5-10 seconds a lap here not just a few tenths.
TT is probably the only fair comparison. And even then depends who's turned what aids off etc, although having all aids on will defo give you crap laptimes to those with some or all aids off as the game over compensates. Same with gear shifts, it's very generic with auto gears.

Anyway, did a 1.53.4 at Bahrain and a 1.27.5 at Melbourne in the Redbull in TT so far with aids off/manual shift but not really played much yet. Still fiddling with my wheel to get the settings I like. That sector 2 in Bahrain is a make or break, get it right and you'll shave seconds off. It's a fun game, sort of a halfway house between sim and arcade.
In "proper" mode a 2:00 would be decent and a 1:58 would be very quick around Bahrain. I'm guessing low 1:52s are doable in TT since a few have posted times close to that already.

Real times:

Qualy 1:53.883 Vettel
Race 1:58.287 Alonso
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I've just done a 1:53.6 with plenty of mistakes in the Red Bull which is top 150 (Using a pad). So below 1:51 or even 1:50 will probably happen
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