F1 2019 G29 Issue

3 Aug 2008
Nelson, South Wales
Got F1 2019 today, I'd love to say what it plays like but so far I can't play it because my G29 steering feels dead..the steering is light as a feather..the force feedback works, just no damping..played with all the settings in game. Anyone had this and fixed it?
I get a bug all the time with my g29 where the wheel looses all resistance and basically free spins. It also does this weird thing where the centre is off, so to drive in a straight line I have to hold the wheel at 3 o'clock position. Don't know why it does it?

Only way to fix it is to go into devices and printers then re-calibrate the wheel. I have to do this every time I plug it in.
i had this issue when i got f1 2019 in humble bundle, i went from 18 to 19 and steering was exactly how your is.

i just uninstalled all wheel software and reinstalled it, was all fine after that

make sure to remove from registry aswell.
Do you have Project Cars installed? That can mess with some registry keys that breaks F1 games IIRC
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