F1 Engines according to CNN!

17 Jul 2010
According to this article an F1 engine currently is like this "While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient." but the new ones, well, they're MAGIC! They run on STEAM!

You really CANNOT trust mainstream journalists to talk about anything remotely technical.


Just, WOW.

Now I try not to be in anmy way sexist and I welcome women in nearly every job that men do, but this article? Written by two women.

Think of the turbo in this:

I'd have hoped that article would have been proof read and checked by at least someone in the organisation who had at least some clue about engines - male or female.
Funniest thing is that the people reading the article will 90% be a little clued up on engines. :rolleyes:
I'm putting this on a T Shirt.

Is there a copy of that drawing of the engines without the border or the CNN wording on it?
Hahahahaha. I've only just read the article and it appears they've done some ninja editing. Thank god for screenshots on the other website berating it :D
That's the best laugh I've had in weeks, priceless.

Just nipping outside to check the turbo on my car...

...nope, no 'steam tunnel'
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