F1 Sky v BBC Thoughts ?



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Ok so Yesterday I watched the race on Sky live for the first time, I really enjoyed the race & the coverage so watched the highlights show on BBC1 as well. The BBC although only showing highlights didn't even start the race until 12 minutes into the show, Loads of **** montages, Eddie Jordans **** & BS. :mad:
Now I usually watch the BBC coverage & haven't had the two to compare but now I have I can see just how **** the BBC coverage is, All guff/****/BS.

Just wondered if anybody else had compared the two over a single race & what you thought ?
Well I quite like Jake so it wasn't that what put me off the BBC coverage the first & main thing is having to wait 12 minutes to actually see the cars when it was an abbreviated highlights show anyway, Unforgivable when that 12 minutes was full of ***** montages & Eddie ******** Jordans **** ideas/theorys. :mad: + :p

Didn't want to just create a thread & run. ;)
DC should stop being polite about it & just tell Eddie ******* Jordan to shut the **** up, Now that would be entertainment. Yes Eddie may know more than me & was there & all that **** but he is still an irritating little gob *****. Seeings as I pay my TV license which funds his Ridiculous shirts I have the right to say Eddie ******* Jordan **** Off you ****.

Breathe. :p
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