F1 Twitter Feed

22 Oct 2004
Hi Gang,

It just dawned on me that maybe I should use my Twitter account properly and actually use it to get good updates on the world of F1.

What are the best twitter feeds to follow to get a good diverse coverage of the world of F1? Basically I want to see info on technical points, as well interesting stats and just general news?
I know, I already had a ******* account, its just I wasn't using it for F1 but more for the Tour de France every year. Ned Boulton does make the odd funny comment. I also had Jake Humpty Dumpty on there, but he just spews out a lot of crap about Norwich which is boring!

I did do a quick search of the forums to see if there was already a recommended reading thread, but there wasn't so I'd thought I would start one.

It would be nice if we shared our good sources of information, if not just so that we can see were some of the crap stats that get posted on here (about how great vettle is!) at least comes from
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