F22 - Total Air War, problem

30 Apr 2006
Hi Guys

I loved playing TFX on my 486 many moons ago. But modarn flight sims are either stuck in WW2 (witch apart from COD2, i'm completely sick off now) or so anal about details they stucked all the fun out of the 'game' (i'm looking at you Lock-On)

So i wanted to see what other flight sims DiD has done and F22-TAW seems to be the last one they did. Bought a copy over e-bay and it installed fine. But when i try to start it nothing happens. Ok i thought right click icon and make it Windows 95 compatable (i'm on XP Pro Sp2). still nothing, there's a f22.dat process in task manager but the game it self just doesn't go

Can anyone help? Thanks!
blimey i remember ordering this through a mag advert when i was getting my Voodoo2 card.

worked together a right treat.
Bah. This didn't like my graphics card (blue lines around the outside of every damn texture) or my force-feedback joystick (stick was limp and didn't recentre itself).

Piece o crap!
OK, this worked guys so thank you very much for your help. But i'm going to drop this. the max res is only 640x480 (it says 800x600 in the menu but if i select this it doesn't make a difference) and crashes after 2min if i choose Direct 3D mode.

Is there a modorn flight sim like TFX around, tried Lock-on but it too bloody anal on details.
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