Fable - The Lost Chapters

26 Dec 2004
Stuck on the quest where theres the three bandits guarding the gate and you have to sneak past them i just cant seem to do it. anyone got any tips?

You just gotta stick at it mate.

I found this part pretty tricky. All I can say is stick at it.

I remember myself making a mad rush for the gate.
i remember making the first stretch pretty easy, just found this huge rock and hid behind it... then made a sprint for it.
You can get throught it by killing the dudes without any of the others finding the bodies or seeing you. Headshot with an arrow works best.
What i did was hit the first person an alarm goes of kill everyone then go hide behind this big rock near gate, when everyone comes out stay hidden then wait for them to go past then dash for it...simple ;)
ive done it now cheers guys im havin problems though after you kill the white werewolf, i cant buy anything is it because ive turned really evil?
hmm i never had any problems buting stuff, and i went down the evil route. what do you actually need to buy?
BloodWolf said:
What i did was hit the first person an alarm goes of kill everyone then go hide behind this big rock near gate, when everyone comes out stay hidden then wait for them to go past then dash for it...simple ;)

Yep did that :) I did it the 'proper' way too, but its far easier just killing them all, hiding, and then going through the open door.
Neon said:
ive done it now cheers guys im havin problems though after you kill the white werewolf, i cant buy anything is it because ive turned really evil?
You should still be able to buy things.. hmm :confused:
Dam annoyign quest that, took me a long time to do it, then i realised there was another rock to hide behind, made it a lot easier lol
Whats the difference between the original fable and the lost chapters? Ive played fable, is it worth playing lost chapters too?
A[L]C said:
Whats the difference between the original fable and the lost chapters? Ive played fable, is it worth playing lost chapters too?
Lost chapters is PC only (I think) and has an extra section of quests tacked onto the end of the game.
A[L]C said:
Whats the difference between the original fable and the lost chapters? Ive played fable, is it worth playing lost chapters too?

its a superb game it got me hooked i must say.

struggling with the search for the lady greys necklace though?
OCdt Stringy said:
Lost chapters is PC only (I think) and has an extra section of quests tacked onto the end of the game.
So its the same game at the beginning? Damn. It is available on xbox too btw
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