Facebook 2019 Leak (Mobile phone numbers, profile information)

24 Jan 2007
Troy hunt has just released an update on his website so you can check if your mobile phone number was leaked in 2019 by Facebook alongside your profile information (e.g. location, past locations, relationships etc)

You need to use international format, so 447777 777 777 instead of 07777 777 777

Nice of Facebook to make everyone affected aware their information is available freely on the internet....

People should always be aware of where they enter their data.. We had a huge push on phishing training in work and the irony of the training company actually breaching their own training on phishing was priceless..

The sad fact is, entering your phone number and/or email address is just allowing a private individual to mine it if they so wish..

It's like password managers, VPN's, Proxies, etc, etc.. don't think for one minute they aren't a great attack vector for nefarious people..

This is fair point.

What irritates me is Facebook constantly pushes for more information like your phone number. I no longer use the app, but remember it previously being very in your face with constant "GIVE US YOUR PHONE NUMBER BECAUSE SECURITY" type notifications and splash screens.

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