Facebook account suspended

16 May 2004
About 4 days ago I woke to check my groups on Fb and was welcomed with a suspicions activity notice and its was suspended. I appealed the decision and just waiting now.
A friend told me he saw lots of Arabic writing on images which I will assume was hate related. I have fired off a few emails to an assortment of FB address. It's a real pain in the bum having this done as I post in terrain modelling groups on my WW2 terrain boards updates, help towards running a Static Caravan for a friend plus various other important things. I know FB gets bad rep, but some like my self use it for more than posting memes and commenting on Karen posts.

I have since made a new account purely to keep up to date with these group and school related things and literally only added 5 people who I need to keep in touch with, hoping I get my account back.

Apparently reviewing accounts will take longer than normal due to Covid.

Anyone else had this happen to them? rather infuriating to say the least.

I will add, I checked my email address used for FB and it was in a data breach a few day prior, so will assume that is the reason this has happened. I have changed all passwords that may have used.
Good luck. They should be able to tell it wasn't you from the IP address of where the offensive posts were uploaded from. When you do get your account back its worth just posting an apology to anyone who might have seen them.

I can't remember if FB uses two factor auth, but if it does - there's a good reason to be using it.
Yeah I will make a post or two if it gets resolved. I do see I have 100+ notifications on my suspended account on the log in screen on the PC as we use the one click log in at home, wife has an account as well.
Same with me a few years back. In our works private group page we were discussing Travellers, you know which I mean, because we used to get them in all the time and always caused so much trouble (worked in a pub), in one of our discussions I used the word Gypsie. A day later I was banned for a 4 days
I think FB is going out of favour now. ^^ I've never used it on my phone and I haven't checked it on desktop since mid-May. For friends updates, I use Signal. For family, I use WhatsApp because they haven't wised up to using Signal yet :)

For those wanting to access discussion groups such as WWII, would @Droolinggimp + others on here consider using Reddit? It is much better as a forum than Facebook is in terms of how the site is structured. Each forum starts with /r and so examples for WWII would be /r/worldwar2 and /r/ww2. So if you look at those, you can see more suggested communities and drill down further to what you're looking for.

I already use Reddit and sub to various WW2 and/or modelling terrain groups. I do find the Facebook versions (most terrain groups have FB and Reddit groups) more chatty and quicker to reply. Plus its easier to message other users on FB regarding wargaming and terrain modelling discussions.
I mean it seems fair enough tbh.. if you've allowed your account to be hacked and it was subsequently used to spam hate speech stuff then FB had good reason to suspend your account.

You, however, have good reason to appeal it and hopefully, they should reverse the suspension and you can turn on 2FA.
I wouldn't say I have allowed it to be hacked, I use the suggested Google password thing (random letters upper/lower, numbers and symbols etc). I am pretty clued up on what sites, links etc I use. I can't really think if I have done or visited anything out of the ordinary recently. Like I said in my OP, I checked my email I used for FB and it was in a data breach a few days prior.

Edit: yes it is a vaild reason to suspend my account, as a pain in the arse as it is, its good. Just a bloody annoying.
Never really bothered that much in the past with Reddit and not knowing the structure as you describe above probably didn't help.

I might have a dig later and see how I get on.
If you do delve into reddit, make sure you read the sub reddits rules, some subs are highly moderated and very bitchy about what can and can't be posted.
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