Fads when you were growing up...

26 Dec 2003
A spin-off of the embarrassing clothing thread.

What fads do you remember when you were growing up?

Does anyone remember those things that would straighten out like a ruler but when you hit them against your wrist they turned into a bracelet, or did I just imagine it?
Oh damn yes I had one of those. :o I can't remember what we called them though, Lolo and Pogo doesn't ring any bells. Space Hopper seems familiar but if I search it's something different.
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Tiny Terrapins in Kinder Eggs.

I think Walkers crisps did something with a small packet sometimes found in bags as well?
Half of the stuff back then wouldn't be allowed today because you get one or two idiots who do something stupid and it gets banned on safety grounds.

Do they still do those children's chemistry sets? lol
I was a bit late for the radioactive ones but I was around for the explosive ones and the toxic ones.

Younger people will probably think this is some odd kind of joke. It isn't. Children's chemistry sets used to include poisons, explosives and radioactive susbtances. Seriously. They really did. Different times.

Yeah an age when parents were responsible for teaching and taking care of their children and not the nanny state through banning all of the fun stuff. :(

It kind of makes you wonder if the west is like it is today because the nanny state of the last few decades, in its zealousness for extreme safety, has prevented natural selection from take place.
Ah yeah I thought maybe I should have explained that one, I bought them from a joke shop near my grans house, they were are a black pellet that you light outside and it creates looong black ash that looks like a snake :) also a lot of smoke. I could light them with my magnifying glass! good times. Eventually they were banned, not sure why. They might have another name outside of the UK.

Turns out they were probably a load of sugar :)

Ah right, the mention of snakes made me remember these. Not quite as impressive. :p

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