Faecal bacteria join the commute

26 Jan 2003
More than one in four commuters has bacteria from faeces on their hands, an investigation suggests.

Scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine swabbed 409 people at bus and train stations in five major cities in England and Wales.



Newcastle - men 53%, women 30%
Liverpool - men 36%, women 31%
Birmingham - men 21%, women 26%
Cardiff - men 15%, women 29%
Euston (London) - men 6%, women 21%

You dirty bunch up in Newcastle :p :o
I hate the not washing of hands in the toilets - despite big signs to the contrary posted up on the walls.

Would then have to negotiate several doors before getting back to my desk which pretty much meant I might as well wash my hands again in the office kitchen :/
I would agree with Admiral Huddy though that London only has Euston counted so the actual figure would no doubt be a lot higher - but it was none the less surprising to see how many more women than men were caught "red handed" at Euston!
They have taps which activate automatically these days so that problem can be overcome and doors could in theory either be left open or not be present at all if the right layout is available - provided that appropriate signs are is in place!

And yea cleaning is the easiest answer, as long as it's not just once daily then there would be far less of a problem - if any!
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