FAH Stat sig users

18 Oct 2002
Apologies folks.. looks like my host decided to change the rules and took out the wget command from being executed by scripts (logical I guess.. it is a tiny security hole that worms could potentially exploit).
I'm just in the process of re-writing things a bit as there is now an alternative way of grabbing the stats file that they have enabled on the server. Does require me to edit the sig program a tiny bit but hopefully shouldn't take me too long to re-write.
Okay.. its part working. Need to suss out the team position bit as that was grabbed in a different way. At least that gives us a start..
Though I don't use it anymore, I used to and had noticed it was down and wondered what the problem was. Glad to see it's sorted now :)

Out of interest and just to clarify, you are still using the team10.txt file and just an alternate download method?

null :)
null said:
Out of interest and just to clarify, you are still using the team10.txt file and just an alternate download method?

Still using team10.txt out of convenience, its just my hosts have now opened fopen wrappers so that I can use the php file command to open a remote website.

I'm going to have to try something soon by way of altering the script to alert me when it fails at the update stage, maybe a flea-mail or something. Beserker noted it had been down for a couple of days and to be frank as I don't use it I don't notice. If you do notice it is down and I haven't done it, just flea-mail me (e-mail in trust is best) and I'll hop to it :)
Right.. finally altered the sig script so its pulling the World Team position too (oddly at the same time my PC managed to pick up 2x FAH installs.. one for each core. This new X2 3800 processor seems to be running a bit cooler than my old a64 3000 did.)
Great work again Mister Garp - much appreciated :)

I did just run the update URL you gave me ages ago as the sigs were showing the blank "Folding Team 10" image - not sure if I just caught it at the wrong time or if there's something more serious
Seems to be fine now it's updated anyway

Congrats on the X2 - they sure are lovely and at current prices an amazing bargain to boot :eek: :cool:
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