FAH Stats signatures

27 Apr 2004
For a bit of fun I decided to try and make my own FAH stats signatures. Reason for doing so is that I have a project called AMSG which also generates forum signatures/banners etc. Ok so it's still very basic and I'm not going to be doing any more developement for a while now but meh.

I decided when I do start developement on it again I'm going to make a Folding Stats plugin for it, and so I set about investigating how difficult it would be. So, I heavily modified AMSG (it doesn't have any 'plugin' functionality right now) and the result is this:


You will of course notice I've used the OcUK Folding logo as seen at the top of the Folding sticky. I hope this is OK with whoever made it - didn't know who did, but let me know if this is a problem.

I know we already have an OcUK signature available with more details but I thought I'd just tell you all about this. I'm hoping to add more options in the future, just don't know when. If anyone wants one, feel free. Use the following URL:

If people do decide to use it, it would be a good idea to post in here so I know not to change that version without giving notice.

Thanks, null :)
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I'm being a bit silly here, how do get it to display as an image in my sig. It's coming up with the link even if I wrap IMG around it?
Not quite sure what you mean. For me, it's like this:

[IMG ]http://www.piggott.me.uk/images/fahsig/show_image.php?fah_id=piggott[/IMG ]

Without the spaces before the ending ']'s

fah_id is case sensitive too. Hope this helps, null :)
null said:
You will of course notice I've used the OcUK Folding logo as seen at the top of the Folding sticky. I hope this is OK with whoever made it - didn't know who did, but let me know if this is a problem.
They look fantastic, sir. IIRC Mr. Whitestar made it at my behest. Though I doubt he would disagree with its use I'm sure he could stop by this thread with any problems or concerns.

In fact, I'm sure of it

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Done :) Next thing will be to see if it actually updates from Stanford succesfully... it's set to update once a day so should know sometime tomorrow. Problem was I was developing it this lunchtime on my laptop but without an internet connection I had to test it by reading a file from disk. Should work but meh :p
hmmm... now that TKC seems to have died... maybe i should take F@H up again?


LOOONG time since i folded :o

tempted to get an X2... and that way could have F@H running on one core, whilst i do whatever the heck i want on the other...

got my girlfriends new rig up and running now (P4 [email protected]) and my mums lappy... should i stick F@H on them ;) ?
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nikebee said:
tempted to get an X2... and that way could have F@H running on one core, whilst i do whatever the heck i want on the other...

got my girlfriends new rig up and running now (P4 [email protected]) and my mums lappy... should i stick F@H on them ;) ?

you know you want to..... yes.... yes :p

My X2 even at stock is churning out quite some points, and some heat for that matter :o, still if you're planning on running it only on one core then heat wouldn't be a problem :)

it's not that the X2 runs hot at all - it's just the whole house gets stupidly warm when the sun even starts peeking through the clouds :o
my main excuse for stopping was, in all truth...

i had one pc, and it was for work/games/internet and had F@H on it too... it slowed right down when doing too much stuff (my old P4 rig)... now i've got a A64 4000+, 2GB ram etc...etc... and two other pc's in the house its a good excuse to start up again... that and it is a bigger excuse to buy an X2 or Dual Core Opty :p
nikebee said:
LOOONG time since i folded :o

tempted to get an X2... and that way could have F@H running on one core, whilst i do whatever the heck i want on the other...

If your pc is on 24/7 stick F@H on both cores. When your doing stuff that's taking up CPU it'll take priority over F@H. I run F@H on all the cores on all my PC's and you don't notice it one bit.
The auto-update seems to work pretty well :)

If anybody has suggestions for improvements I'm all ears :) However I can't promise anything for a while now with GCSEs so soon. Knowing me I'll give revision a half hearted attempt and once bored will do more coding while constantly worrying about how I should be revising and thus making poor code... meh

Thanks, null :):p
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