Failed my test this morning

11 Dec 2004
Well I failed my first practical test today, I went in to it feeling confident, did all the manouvers in the 30 mins before the test and everything was great, I felt confident and so did my instructor.

But it wasnt to be, I failed it with 4 minors and 1 serious fault. The serious was on the left reverse. Although its not something that normally tests me, I messed it up, took it nice and slow, got all of the observation in, I knew position was good because a car came past on the right and had plenty of space, just when I thought it was in the bag I took my eye off the ball and nudged the pavement. :( :mad:

Everything else was fine, im just so annoyed that I messed up, I can do all of the manouvers first time every time yet somehow the pressure of it being an exam just got me I think.

Oh well, I've booked another one this afternoon, just got to wait for it to come in the post now.

Little bit down but I think what I need to do it get right back in there asap so hopefully its a fast re-test.

Who knows, second time lucky? :(
Yer I nudged it slightly and so as to not mount the pavement or make it any worse, I pulled forward about half a meter and then carried on reversing back in line and kept it quite neat.

But he says that as I touched the pavement its a fail straight away. :mad:
Yer, I was talking to my instructor after the test, and he said its not very consistant, some examiners will fail you for touching the pavement, others will let you off if you correct it and its only a nudge, and some wont let you correct it at all.

It seems control on the manouvers is a very hit and miss subject as my instructor has a thousand stories were someone has passed for doing something you wouldnt beleive, and then someone else has failed for getting the slightest bit out of shape.
Oh well cheers guys.

Hopefully the letter about a new test appointment will come through in the next few days. The waiting list is currently 3 weeks, but in 3 weeks time im going on a weeks holiday, so that could be a problem.

At the end of the day I just want to get back to that test center as soon as I possibly can and try and bounce back.
Ultra_Extreme said:
I bet there was a few "not happy with...." 's in there for you to fail like that, nudging the curb is a minor, mounting it is a major. If he was confident you were a good driver he'd not have failed u there. I'm not saying you arent good but whatever he said after the test i would listen carefully to.

He said the rest of my driving was fine, only had 4 minors, in the debrief he said nudging the pavement on the left reverse was the only problem, that I should practise it and get another test booked. Although I feel very confident with the left reverse anyway, its one of my best manouvers and I've not hit the pavement doing it since I first started doing it ages ago, think the pressure of the test got to me slightly and I lost my concentration for a second.
mrthingyx said:
Nazbit - sorry to hear about that.

Isn't it funny, though, that a driving test can be failed for something that isn't technically and theoretically dangerous to anybody but the bumper/wheels of the car?


Besides that, how many drivers on this forum use 'reversing around a corner'? Anybody?

Just to make you feel better, Nazbit... errr. :(

Cheers, I Was saying the same to a mate the other day, you can drive well on high speed roads and control the car 100% throughout your test and yet you can fail on something like being on a white line in a bay park or nudging the kerb on a manouvre - doesnt seem right :mad: Cant tell you how gutted I Was
Well seeing as this thread has been revived, I may aswell mention that I got a letter about my restest today, its on the 16th, so not as long as I was expecting to have to wait.

Hopefully I'll get it this time.
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