Failing to return results..

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
.. yet the server status is ok?

[14:38:55] + Attempting to send results
[14:38:55] - Reading file work/wuresults_04.dat from core
[14:38:55] (Read 8235020 bytes from disk)
[14:39:26] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[14:39:26] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[14:39:26] (
[14:39:26] - Error: Could not transmit unit 04 (completed July 25) to work server.
[14:39:26] - 12 failed uploads of this unit.

[14:39:26] + Attempting to send results
[14:39:26] - Reading file work/wuresults_04.dat from core
[14:39:26] (Read 8235020 bytes from disk)
[14:39:57] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[14:39:57] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[14:39:57] (
[14:39:57] Could not transmit unit 04 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[14:39:57] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server

any ideas why it's not returning?

It's sending other back ok.

BillytheImpaler said:
Both of those servers appear to be up at the moment. Might it be a problem on your end?

Has it downloaded new work or is it sitting at idle?

is, it has already down loaded and returned other work on the same client since. This seems to be a pending one that's been hanging around.

I had this happen a while back. It kept hold of one for about 3 days but managed to upload and download WUs at the same time :confused:

It sorted itself out after a few days - glitch in the matrix?

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
I had this happen a while back. It kept hold of one for about 3 days but managed to upload and download WUs at the same time :confused:

It sorted itself out after a few days - glitch in the matrix?

Stan :)

*Takes off shades*

Mr Anderson...!


I have this problem of not being able to get new work. I have only been getting tiny units in the past week. Anyone any ideas? Someone suggested a while ago that there wer5e no more units without a time limit so I modified my units accordingly but I now am a bit stuck.
SiriusB said:
Heh, I like it :D

So Stan, when's you sending this X2 then?


When exactly was it that hell was due to freeze over? :p ;)


We've all been getting crap piddly WUs for a while now - it's just one of those phases F@H goes through now and then. Sometimes it's like this for a while and less often, we get shedloads of brilliant WUs for a while - it's swings and roundabouts.

I think the deadlineless WUs problem sorted itself out once the rush was over (although the same may be happening again with all the crap about). Maybe somebody who's running deadlineless WUs can tell you.

Stan :)
Speaking of crap, piddly WUs as I was earlier, I've just done a quick calculation from the EOC stats and according to their information, I have submitted 103 WUs in the last 7 days at an average of just over 71 points per WU - that really sucks. I wish they'd hurry up and run out of this crap and find some 364 or 600 pointers for a week or so :(

Stan :)
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