Fairing lacquer respraying...

28 Aug 2006

I want to ask for some advice on spraying lacquer on to fairings. Is it possible to get that gloss, hard smooth surface again. Like factory new?

I'm using RS Paint gloss lacquer for my finish. Will I need to give it like 10-20 coats?

Sorry for being a noob.
Are you going over new/old paint/lacquer, or re applying lacquer to areas where it has chipped off?

I'm going over my original lacquer coating. About 1 year ago, I did a respray on my fairing. The colour went on nice. I then went over it with 3 coats of gloss lacquer. It still feels rough and textured (i'm guessing from the paint below).

The paint work is still looking great. I did it about a year ago. I only ride in spring to autumn.

The bike is garaged during the winter season. Covered when outside in the good season.
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