Faithless Tour: Starts Tonight!

6 Dec 2002
North East
The faithless tour kicks off tonight in Nottingham @ Ice Arena :cool: Then heads its way up to the S.E.C.C in Glasgow before hitting Newcastle on Monday night @ the Metro Arena :D

Anyone bought tickets? Original Thread

Feel free to give your thoughts and opinions on how the gig goes on in here :)

Calvin Harris is supporting them, not heard of him before so not sure if he's any good? :confused:

BeatMaster :D
Well just back and all I can say was AMAZING. such atmosphere, jam packed all the classic tunes where there. wooo
I'm going watching them over in Hull on the 4th April. Not massively into them but I'm sure I'll be loving it :D

Saw them at V last year and loved it :cool:
going to see them a wembly - really can't wait, saw them years ago at Glastonbury and was completely converted, own all the albums now and totally love them all :)

Are they playing much of the new stuff or mainly the greatest hits style bits?
It was a good mixture lasted around 2 hours, had all the usuals though We come 1, god is a dj, insomnia, mass destruction and salva mea.

crowd went insane when the old tunes where on :cool:
DAvE18 said:
It was a good mixture lasted around 2 hours, had all the usuals though We come 1, god is a dj, insomnia, mass destruction and salva mea.

crowd went insane when the old tunes where on :cool:

nice :) did they have anyone supporting them? doesn't seem to say anyone on the tickets...
yeh forgot to say it was calvin harris supporting, was okay. I got my live cd after the show had to wait about 15 mins for it. double disk :)
gash, live cd's on the night are a big ballache for us
i was really looking forward to working the gig as well, worked the past two times they've played at the MEN, both fantastic gigs
DAvE18 said:
yeh forgot to say it was calvin harris supporting, was okay. I got my live cd after the show had to wait about 15 mins for it. double disk

WoW :cool: That's all I've got to say! Kicked off with Insomnia and the whole place just absolutely went mental :D Definately agree with you on Calvin Harris, wasn't very impressed with him, strange dancing and the bass guitarist was always playing to the drummer...odd!

Got many photos and a few videos on my digital camera. What was the live cd like, worth buying? I could always buy the Newcastle one online if it was.

Couple of photos:



I would upload some of the videos I took (legal?) but the Insomnia one is 650Mb...need to compress it and get some noise reduction done aswell.

BeatMaster :D
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