
23 Jan 2004
On my Boat, Drinking
3435Jodi's post inspired me to get the Greatest Hits DVD out of my stack.

Surely these are one of the most exceptional groups of artists* to come out of the UK in the 90s-00s?

The only group which comes close for me is Massive Attack; both create a combination of wonderful well though out music, aditictive tunes, insightful lyrics, cool colaborations, great videos and I've seen both live and they rival anyone else I have ever seen for best live act too.

Is there anyone else out there to compare to them? If there is name them, I need sone new tunes :)


* I've used this description because they do all seem very active as individual artists as well as a band
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Tru said:
IMO the Chemical Brothers wipe the floor with anything from that period. Leftfield and Orbital are up there as well. I never really got on with Faithless, I found them a bit charty for my tastes and only a couple of their tracks get me going, We Come One and another one I can't remember the name of, it had kind of political lyrics iirc.

Most of them do, if its a recent one its probably Mass Destruction

I have most Chemical Brothers stuff but its harder then Faithless, I wouldn't call them charty, their more political then the Chemicals for sure though. I do like Leftfield a lot, must dig out the albums :)

Nursie said:
If you like Faithless you really should see them live.
Im not the biggest Faithless fan but the live they were really good. As a result i picked up there albums in the new year sales. The only negative of the from the live show, they didnt have a big screen with sister bliss on. :(

Saw them at Ally Pally last year and yes Sister Bliss is wonderful, its not that she beautiful but she has a confidence and great stage presence and really looks like she loves playing the music :)

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