Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High

18 Jul 2006

Just got this from iTunes, very good album think the best yet from fall out boy!
Really liked:

I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)
Thise aint a scene, its an arms race
Hum Hallelujah

Still listening to the rest! :)
Stupid emo band, but il give them credit for:

This ain't a scene --- SO damn catchy even though the leader singer looks like a right muppet straining his face in many ways, with a random video... BUT SOOO CATCHY !!!!!

Suger we're going down, and dance dance. More crap but soo catchy still, and i somehow know all the words. Must sing them religously when im out on the lash and never remember :p
adfinni said:
Stupid emo band, but il give them credit for:

This ain't a scene --- SO damn catchy even though the leader singer looks like a right muppet straining his face in many ways, with a random video... BUT SOOO CATCHY !!!!!

Suger we're going down, and dance dance. More crap but soo catchy still, and i somehow know all the words. Must sing them religously when im out on the lash and never remember :p

My thoughts exactly, dont get me wrong im the most anti-emo person you could ever come accross but i hear it on the radio and im shaking my head violently and its just like i gotta have that song!
Radio 1 over plays them sooo much, i hate it!

same with mika and some others, you hear them a few times and its kindda catchy as was FOB's new one, then after a few more days of hearing it 8 times a day it gets old (liste to the radio at work btw)
chesterstu said:
I like it and i'm not emo, some of my friends have called me Chav but maybe i am mellowing with age


I'm listening to it now. It's pretty good. But at the end of the day it is just catchy pop. I saw them play live on the Album Chart show (ch4) and it brought new meaning to the word abysmal. I honestly couldnt believe how bad live they were. Totally put me off ever bothering to see them, even out of curiosity. :o
I like;
Thanks For The Memories (I don't have the ability to spell that as wrong as them)
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) and
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Fame < Infamy is ok too.

Edit: Anyone else notice the intro to This Ain't A Scene sounds so much like something The Crystal Method would produce?
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Can't stand it. They are a 'business' band. I remember when they were on Fuelled by Ramen and they were all about the money. I saw a BBC news 24 business report one night which followed them touring the east coast and it was all about how much merch they could push. Hardly suprising then, that they signed to island a year after they started. This new album must be a commerical wet dream for them. I can see millions of girls buying this album worldwide.

Personally I think some of their tunes are fairly good, it's the damn singer, he turns a decent pop rock band into some sort of Maroon 5 pop ballad.
Tweek_1984 said:
Hardly suprising then, that they signed to island a year after they started.
Err, no. They had a (dire) album a few years back called 'An Evening Out With Your Girlfriend' or something similar. It was hilariously bad.
I heard these for the first time a few days ago and was sorely disappointed, I was thinking I liked their style of music... I was think of Badly Drawn Boy :(.
Spuderoony said:
Err, no. They had a (dire) album a few years back called 'An Evening Out With Your Girlfriend' or something similar. It was hilariously bad.

That was the first thing they ever released. Whats your point?
Tweek_1984 said:
Hardly suprising then, that they signed to island a year after they started.

They had already signed a deal with Island as Take this to your grave was released as they believed their was potential, but didnt want to risk putting any money into them for a first full release. Island being as typical as they are, offered them a contract at the same time they signed to Fueled by Ramen to released the follow up to take this to your grave, but without giving them a single penny until Island decided it was time to release the follow up. Therefore FOB got no money from this at all. Which is why they toured 24/7 for 3 whole years on the back of Take this to your grave. Of course they were trying to shift merch...It was the only way they could afford to keep touring, they had to keep touring to keep promoting TTTYG, so that Island could pick up the potential to release. But to be honest, all bands try and shift merch, when youre a band at that stage, you have no choice but to tour, as all your income comes from ticket sales, and Merch...Especially when you are a support act, as you pick up pennies for ticket sales...So if you dont shift Merch, especially CDs...You don't eat and have to push the bus to the next city. You'll find most bands at that level promoting their Merch stand during the set and attemping to shift it...But that said, I have a lot of CDs and Merch that I have been given for nothing...Best example being a band called Dopamine...mentioned that lost one of my CD of the new album when I saw them last, Neill their frontman...and absolute legend, gave me another copy along with the Limited Edition version....20 quid it would have cost me...which was enough to top up their van...And FOB have done the same for me too...When I caught them in Chicago and Cleveland a couple of years back, Patrick gave me an original copy of an Evening out with your girlfriend as I mentioned I hd no chance of picking it up in the UK at that time, along with a couple of other bits. So they definately werent just out for the money back then.

Now....If youre in a band, you want to sign to a major, in an attempt to get your music heard by as many people as possible....Yes yes yes, we know thats not EVERY bands intention, a few are only concerned about music and not money....David Ford for example, who left Easyworld and their major label success, as he wanted it to be just about the music. But for 99% of the bands, that is the intention. FOB deserve all the success that comes to them now for the amount of hard work they put into getting there...which only a few other bands have worked so hard for. Im happy to admit, I dont like the new album, Im glad some people do...I didnt even fully enjoy From under the cork tree...But I do love a lot of their stuff, and believe they do deserve all the success that comes from this and future albums....Even if I dont believe this album will sell as much as From Under the Cork tree...and I hope the light failure of this compared to the previous album....will cause them to stop taking any input from their label, and get back to writing the amazing pop punk tunes they originally got spotted by Island for in the first place.
Great album, great band, seen them twice, depending on finances i might buy some ebay rickets for their next scotland gig that i totally forgot were on sale :(
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