Fallout 1 has a new sequel - Fallout: Resurrection

1 Feb 2009
This is a new game running on Fallout 2 engine. It is an "interquel" taking place in New Mexico between Fallout 1 and 2. Features some familiar characters from Fallout 1.
It has been in development for around a decade by a group of Fallout fans, and was released in the original czech couple years back - I finished it back then and it is really, really good. Bigger than Fallout 1, lots of well designed quests, hardcore difficulty, new locations, music etc.
In three days the english version is about to be released. Here is a trailer:

Any fan of the original Fallout should take it for a spin. Although I obviously cannot vouch for the quality of the translation, but given how long they have worked on it, it should hopefully be good.
Here is the website btw

All you need in order to be able play Fallout 1.5: Resurrection is a full installation of Fallout 2, any version should work (no matter whether from Steam, GOG or CD/DVD). Resurrection already contains patch 1.02 for Fallout 2, as well as the High Resolution Patch for resolution options, and the engine tweak Sfall which introduces neat functional changes to Fallout 2. We'll include an installer that'll take care of the whole installation process, and an archive for manual installation that'll only need to be extracted into the Fallout 2 root directory.
Around 30 hours I would guess..but I played in in 2013 so it is just a guess. It is definitely longer than Fallout 1 though. And yeah I enjoyed it more than FO4 from the RPG standpoint. FO4 has obviously cool first person atmopshere though.
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