There are two threads on it in here already. It's also the same generation as Fallout 3, just a new location. They have said Fallout 4 would have a new Graphics Engine or something.
Ah sorry didnt see the other threads. checked the first page but didnt see anything. looks like its been around a day or so, so thought I'd share
Thread resurrect.

Can someone explain to me what this is? So I've played Fallout New Vegas (which was ace) and Fallout 4 (which I abandoned after accidently skipping half the plot by finding the robot detective when exploring). I understand New Vegas was a spin-off(?) of Fallout 3 so is this something similar?
New Vegas is Fallout 3, while Bethesda games are (somewhat decent) spin-offs. But FO4 engine is vastly better than F3/NV one, so I hope these modders actually manage to finish this project. Playing NV in better engine would be great.
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