Famous people who died young:

7 Sep 2021
I suggest an upper age limit of sixty...thats sort of young these days.
( It’s only numbers)

I might be looking at Wiki for a few though.

You never know...A few interesting posts, & we might learn a thing or two.
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Boudica ( 30 / 31)
William Shakespeare (52)
Henry Vlll (55)
Anne Boleyn ( 28 - 35)
Oliver Cromwell (59)
Charles l (48)
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Random fact:
I have touched that

King Tut:
His parents were brother & Sister.
Married at ten to his half - Sister.
( shared the same father).
No wonder he had a few problems.

So their Father was also their Father in Law.
(That must have been an interesting speech at the reception... welcoming them into the family & all that)
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With an upper limit of 60 years old, a lot of historical famous people would qualify including many who weren't considered to have died young. Alfred the Great, for example.

That did cross my mind earlier...chronic diseases & pre modern medicine.

After a bit of homework about the Tudor times.
Lucky to reach Adulthood & forty was deemed a good innings.
So... Henry V one,one,one @ 55 would have been considered as very old.
Shakespeare (52) had a good innings too then.
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A couple of weeks ago, I read about a few famous people who had links to the Sept 11th story.
MJ was meant to be in the towers that day but overslept.
He had been up late talking to his Mother & Sister on the phone.

Paula Yates:
She found out in later life, that her Father was actually Hugie Green.
(Not Jess Yates, another popular TV presenter in the 70’s)
Apparently, Jess & his wife had only been married a few weeks, when her Mother had the liaison with HG.
Lena Zavaroni ( already mentioned) had a tragic life too & was discovered on Opportunity Knocks.
( Hosted by Mr Green)
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I know that the sixty limit obviously eliminates a lot of famous people... but I thought that it had to be capped somewhere.
Sixty seemed to be roughly the age to be still classed as ‘young’.
( Open to debate, but as I said “age is just but a number”)
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