Fan Filters for Antec 900?

16 Jun 2008
Hi Folks,

Ive had this case for a month or so now and tried buying some off the shelf filters but they were too thick for the front fans. Anyone found any that fit? Or a good DIY mod that looks ok?

I thought about using a pair of my GF's tights, but thought they may not be very good due to being so fine( i.e. restricting air flow). Most filter material is 3 times thicker with much bigger holes. Do tights let enough air through?
Are the 1200 cages available to buy then? If so that would be the easiest solution, although i should imagine not the cheapest. May try the tights first and see how effective they are.
The filters i bought were Akasa, but a different design to those. They are 9mm in thickness and stand no chance of going in without major surgery. Dont really want to start cutting up the new case just yet. How thick are those Akasa and how did you get them to fit? I still have 1 spare of the pair i bought, used one to filter the side panel as a lot of air gets sucked in there despite having no fan fitted.
Yeah, i see where your coming from not exactly easy access, removing the filter would continue to be a pain. Maybe fit one after the fan? Might be easier to remove, and would just need to blast the fans. Havent had a chance to pull the case apart yet, been to busy working on the pc, will hopefully come up with a reasonable solution.
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