Fan on fan does it work?

10 Jun 2005
recently my mate who builds up computers put another fan on top of his cpu fan he tell me that the temp has gone down by 10oC and he was able to overclock it much higher, do you recomend this?


i asked this a while ago. I herd a gpa inbetween them was best. I think i'm ment to be trying this out as someone asked me to sharing the interest in the answer.

Sooo it's on my list of things to do.
I was looking for extra long screws but i ahven't got any and i'm doing it on *** cheap so wasn't ment to be paying for it.

I though i'd just bodge it.
ah right that'll do have to try this sometime then. oh my friend that did this told me it has lowered his cpu temp by like 10 degrees C and was able to overclock it i don't know much but isn't that very effect
10 Degrees is a bit much I think! My CPU AMD64 3500+ running stock at 2.2GHz runs at 30 Degrees, sometimes very late 20's when under no load. Now I don't think two fans would get me down to 20 Degrees maybe even late teens.

So basicly I think hes lying. Make your own choices.
You won't get a 10 Degree drop at 28 as you're too close to room temp, though if you were running hot, say, 60+ degree, you've got more chance of a 10 degree reduction.
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