Fan Speed



2 Dec 2005
I want to reduce the fan noise in my case, and rather than buy a fan controller a couple of Zalman Fan Mate 2's (OA-000-ZA) would seem to do the job...

Are they any good, and can I just hook them up to the existing case fans. I assume they work by reducing the voltage?
OK thanks, ill give them a bash :D
for £3 each, ill get a couple as the splitters are only £1 or so cheaper.
providing the DFI NF4 Ultra has enough fan headers, I will be running 2 case fans, and one cpu fan from the motherboard using the Zalman controllers (without splitters). If not, I will run them from a molex with an adapter.

The CPU fan is the one that comes with a Big Typhoon which i believe runs at 1300rpm and should be quiet anyway...?
Ah well, if it's too loud i'll shove a quieter fan on there.
I would have preferred a ninja but OCuK didn't have them in stock.
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