Fan spin speeds

1 Aug 2005
Just brought a 120mm fan to go at the front of my case to help cooling even more. When i boot up and get to windows, I loaded up Everest to check temps. CPU said 24 degrees, loving that...

Anyway, the new fan said on the package when i brought it two spin speeds. Like a range. It connects via a 4 pin plug that connects in serial to the power leads. I wanted a plug that could plug into my mobo so its speed coulD be monitored. Is there anyway of changing the plug end?

Basicly, I just wondered why the two stated spin speeds. Is there anyway of making it run one or the other and is there anyway of monitoring the RPM of it as its not plugged into the mobo.

If the fan has a sense wire, you could just connect that to a 3 pin fan header and plug it into the MB. The sense wire is usually yellow, with black being ground and red being positive (12v usually).

I don't understand how it can change its speed if it's just connected to the molexes, although I'm assuming it's also connected to a thermistor and will regulate itself that way?

Did you bring the fan or did you buy it? ;)
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