Fancy TIM really necessary?

19 May 2006
CPU is idleing at 40 degrees, fan barely turning at 600RPM.

on the free fairly basic thermal grease from thermaltake, what shall i use to find a good load temp at (1.8 stock) @ 2.7 real?
Rick_Barnes said:
CPU is idleing at 40 degrees, fan barely turning at 600RPM.

on the free fairly basic thermal grease from thermaltake, what shall i use to find a good load temp at (1.8 stock) @ 2.7 real?

Arctic silver only makes a deree or two's difference.
*throws AS5 in bin*

*replaces with McCleans Super Whitening Toothpaste*


Arctic silver thermal paste makes a few degrees difference.. nothing to major :)
depending on how well you 'gooped' your original HS. it made a 10 degree difference to mine as i didnt put the first crap on properly.

If your gonna clean goop off use something like a coffee filter that one leave any dust or stuff behind.
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