Fans for Lancool Mesh II Performance

4 Jul 2006
Going to fill the two slots above psu and two top fans and was going to pick up similar fans to what came with my heatsink.

This is what the case supports
  • Fan Support: Front (multi-way fan/radiator bracket): 3 x 120mm or 2 x 140mm
    Top: 2 x 120/140mm
    Rear: 1 x 120mm
    Above PSU Chamber: 2 x 120mm
It came with 2x140mm for front and a fan for back and it came with long screws to fit to the case above PSU which I am hoping is compatible with the fans below.

I wont get 140mm ones at the top due to the EPS power connector lead so was going to pick up 4 120mm so I got

2x140mm front
2x120mm top
2x120mm bottom
1x120mm rear

Don't have a spare 140mm fan to see if it fits but just going by ruler I don't want to risk it

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