fans on motherboard

2 Jan 2012
Hi all

I have a z390 aorus master motherboard, and have 9 cooler master 120mm sickleflow fans. (3 pin)

I am using a antec 360mm aio cooler on the cpu, that has a power plug, and another that connects to a fan/pump header on the mb

I have 2x 3 way fan splitters, and 4x 2 way splitters that I can use if needed.

5 x fans are on the aio in a push/pull (front as air in case)
4 x fans as exit (3 top, 1 rear)

I would like the cpu/bios to control the fans with my own fan curve.

What would be the best way to connect them all up to the motherboard please?

many thanks
thank you ttaskmaster

there isnt room to fit a 6th fan on the 360 aio

is this the hub thing you are talking about please, as I have one of these also, but i cant remember if it allowed the fans to be controlled, but just turned onto max speed.

Phobya 81136 Connector for Cooling Fan

yes the motherboard has the cpu fan and the cpu_opt options.

I think there are 8 fan ports on the motherboard.

Hi I have modded my case and fitted a 6th fan to the aio rad.

The 6 fans on the aio are split into 2. 3x2 then connected to the fan hub.

3x top exit fan connect via splitter to hub

1x rear exhaust fitted to hub.

Hub then plugged into molex connecter for power and onto mother board to fan cpu.

But the fans run at full speed all the time.

When in bios even if I change the speed, they still run max speed.

Is there any way to change this?

If I pug each fan into the mother board and not through the splitter, I can change the speed.

thank you again ttaskmaster

I had a play before I read your reply.

I have it plugged in like this at the moment

3x top exhaust fans via 3 way splitter plugged into cpu_fan

2x front aio fans via splitter into fan 3
2x front aio fans via splitter into fan 4
2x front aio fans via splitter into fan 5

1x rear exhaust fan into fan 2

they all work fine via bios and can control the speed.

yes the bios i can use my mouse with a cursor.

would it be ok to run them like this, or is it best to use the fan hub?

many thanks again
the aio pump has 2 plugs on it, one is a molex and the other is connected to sys fan 6_Pump, and that runs at 3000+ rpm from what it says in bios
thank you, ill try that tomorrow

at the mo, the cpu and gpu temps are 31 deg c when looking at this page, and the fan says it is doing around 620 ish rpm for cpu and 960 rpm for gpu. that is from CAM monitor
room temp is around 21 deg c

normally when playing pubg, gpu load at 99% the gpu is 60 degc a cpu around 50 deg c. that was with the 5 fans on the aio
I just tried the aio in the cpu_fan, but it made no difference to the speed.

tried to change it to slow/normal/max etc, but stayed the same, where the other fans changed.

in the cpu_fan you can only have it set to cpu from what i can see. any of the other 4 pin fan headers, you can change the control, cpu, system, pwm etc

I cant seam to find where to down load the system information viewer from? did you have a link please
it looks like the aio pump speed is fixed at that 3k+ rpm, I downloaded the siv and the info on there said it is fixed. controllable range 100-100%
I havent had much luck with the pump speed, but all the fans are working will, all going off the MB

here is some pics of my modded (more like chopped to give more air flow) antec p8 case




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