Fantasy Authors

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
So we have quite avid fantasy readers/fans in here it seems, so I thought we could maybe try a thread to post up in regards fantasy works you recommend and authors.
Obviously we all know Tolkien and 99.999% of the world knowns JRRM (George RR Martin)

Two I would like to add to the mix:

Joe Abercrombie.
First book and trilogy, The blade itself, first law trilogy

I stumbled upon this when browsing for fantasy to read.
I read this in my the same way I consumed A song of Ice and Fire, literally struggling to put the book down.
Writing style is probably as close to GRRM as any. A little more brutal if you can imagine that. Lots of dark humour again like GRRM.
Well developed characters and pace. Many times you think, wow this would make awesome TV.
I have only read it once but will reread, I just like to give it a good enough gap that only really notable stuff is remembered.
Required reading for a fantasy fanatic, 10/10

Brandon Sanderson
First book and trilogy, Mistborn, mistborn saga

Many will have heard of him as the author who completed the wheel of time series.
I stumbled across one of his solo works when checking WOT info, and bought the box set of three books.
Writing style is different to when he did WOT. Hes much lighter, far less brutal, more modern.
The world is quite different and quite hard going at the start.
Well developed characters, but pace can be a bit draggy at times, although fast at others. I am not sure it was aimed at younger people but whilst its full on fantasy (more so than GRRM and Joe in many ways) its far less dark.
I doubt I would reread this. It was enjoyable and made for good reading when passing the time, but considering the thickness very much not a couldn't put down book and took me twice the time to read as stuff like SOFAI and The blade itself.
Required reading for a fantasy fanatic, 5/10. But to fill in time like when on holiday should be on the list if you struggle to find fantasy material to consume.
Loving this thread thanks for keeping it going peeps

Seen a couple of names crop up I need to check out

The riftwar I am sure I read many many years ago.

I am slowly replacing my collection as audible. Will eventually make sure I have all the stuff I enjoy on both audible and hard format
Kind of switched off kindle now, whilst I love it for travelling and its damn nice in a way, i have kind of fallen back in love with paperbacks
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