Fantasy Racers - Fantasy F1 2012 & League

18 Oct 2002
cidade maravilhosa
It's that time again folks, (Fantasy) F1 is back... Can Vettel go for the title again or will one of the young guns take over?

Same rules as last year.

Head on over to create a team and join the OCUK F1 2012 (#219) league. (Password OCUK2012)

You can select up to 6 drivers if your 'available to spend' budget allows.

All selections will be frozen on 2012-03-17 06:00:00 (GMT) so make sure your lineup is finalised before this time.

Extreme Rambling Racing is back and ready to go for the OCUK title 2012.

I can see we may even have competing Fantasy F1 games this year lol

Fantasyracers last year seemed to be a set and forget for most, so very low maintenance and easy going.

If we have more than one Fantasy game going I may join them all :D...

(Last years thread is here
Signed up, probably won't get anywhere, then again can change it once we've seen more tests. Having vetted means not having 4th driver.
Half tempted to donate to get two teams.

Gone fixed

Having a similar dilemma with drivers, seems to be 2 good and 2 not so good, or 2 good/great and 1 not so good + spare cash or 2 great and 2 HRT drivers....:p:p:p
I was TEam: Push The Button, Rob C.

Your Messages

Sent :

2012-02-10 10:21:35

From :


Subject :
Your entry, Push The Button has been removed from the OcUK 2012 Fantasy League league by the League Administrator. If they have provided a reason for doing this it will appear below.

No reason provided


Try and join the league again, I certainly haven't removed anyone, I'll only remove people at the cut off and it'll be those who are not part of the forums.
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