FAO 9-5 workers

30 Sep 2009
or 8-4, 10-6 etc. how do you feel towards say 2-3 in the afternoon? ready to drop off from exhaustion or still full of energy?
Depends on the day and how busy I've been. Usually it's not too bad, if I do feel tired it's usually around the 4pm stage.
I did 08:30 to 5:30'ish

When I started my Gap Year I was struggling to stay awake from 2-3 for the first couple of weeks.

Then I got used to it and within a month was fine :). As-well as getting used to working a full day I also drunk more coffee than is probably good for you... though I guess that's what happens at a software company!
I feel pretty bad by that time of the day. I get up at 6, miss breakfast and walk in to town, then get the bus to arrive at work for 7:50, ready to start at 8. It also doesn't help that I don't go to bed until about midnight. >.<
Depends what i have for lunch.

If i have a high fibre and low carbs meals then i am fine.

If I have high carb then I literally bomb at 3pm on the dot.
It's the early morning when I find myself flagging.

It takes a few cups of tea a couple of hours before I feel fully awake and then I feel fine all day.
Really tired mid-afternoon, but that's because I don't get tired at night, so I routinely stay up till 1 or beyond, then get up before 7. I feel like I'm about 3 rough nights away from punching myself in the face and starting a soap business.
try doing 8am to 9pm, 3 days back to back.
mid afternoon ~ half 2, till half 3 depending on how busy the phones are is when i like to take my 1st break, when the others in the office are thinking sonn be home
on those shifts i'm up at half 5, don't get in till around half 9, bed at 10 to do it all again
nah it's ok. I tend to leave the house around 6:30 and get back into town 12-13 hours later. The only debate then is whether to hit the gym or not. I don't have a heavy lunch though, or snack too much as the sugar crash would shatter me!
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