FAO : All the ******* in nightclubs.

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Was out happily last night in Manchester, and some complete and utter fag came up to me and my mates last night and smacked one right in the face for no reason, and ran off. I was absolutely fuming by this that some little **** just walks up to you or your mates and for no reason lays one on them and does one because he's a little bitch.

Sorry, rant over. Just really really ****** me off.
i just dont get it, out with lots of mates from uni, first proper student night out after Easter everyones having a good time got their loans and what not, some idiot just comes up, smacks him then bails.
KaHn said:
Yeah you get some gits in there like, sorry to hear it dude but im supprised that none of you grabbed him, if there were a lot of you there?


There was a fair few of us, but by the time we'd realised what had happened the pussy had run off.
Rossi said:
Yep Tiger - Tiger is crap, Deansgate F T W! ;)

He probably did for abit of fun dude. Yes i know non of us (i hope) would even get pleasure out of but we have people in manchester like that :(


I actually had a really good night, first time id ever been there actually, usually im in 5th ave, or 42nd street or sankeys or something, but i'll definately be going back it hasnt put me off the place, loving the tunes all night lol.
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