FAO MX5 NC owners - 6 speed transmission problems simple fix.

18 Oct 2004
Firtly, apologies for posting a very manufacturer/model specific thread. However, I know there are a lot of MX5 owners here, so thought this information might be of some used to you.

This relates to issues specifically with the 6 speed transmission in the Mk3 MX5. There is a lot of talk about this particular gearbox exhibiting some annoyances which many (including myself) have put down to simply being characteristic of the car. However I recently started browsing miata.net, an American based MX5 owners forum and stumbled across this very interesting thread whereby the OP found that making a fairly routine adjustment cured a lot of the problems;

I experienced the following:

(1) Unusual difficulty upshifting to second gear when cold, but better when warmed up. Inordinate crunching, and an extreme sensitivity to the direction in which the shift lever is pulled when cold, and even sometimes when hot. Pull the “wrong way” and one could not engage second at all. Double clutching the upshift helped when cold, but is awkward and annoying on a modern gearbox.

(2) Unusual difficulty downshifting to second even when warmed up; rev matching helped significantly. I always do that, anyway, when downshifting, but I doubt most do, and no one should have to in a modern synchromesh gearbox.

(3) Virtually impossible to downshift to first gear --- cold or warm --- when the car is traveling beyond a snail’s pace. It was just easier to come to a full stop before attempting to engage first, lest one bend a component in the effort to engage first while in motion. I dislike employing force on my machinery. If force, not finesse, is required, then something is amiss.

Never before have I experienced this on any of our cars --- all manuals --- over the decades.

As others have noted, we should not have these difficulties in a well-designed and well-adjusted system.

I was intrigued because I have found that these are the exact problems I had with my transmission, as well as finding a lot of my shifting very jerky and unnatural feeling.

Anyway, I wont go into too much detail as the thread explains most of it. But in summary, it appears that basically a lot of the MX5s with the 6 speed tranmission have their clutch pedals improperly adusted. The bite point is very low and it turns out that the above problems are being caused by the clutch not fully disengaging, even with the clutch pedal buried in the carpet.

The good news is, you can adjust the clutch pedal slightly to increase the throw it places on the hydraulics - essentially raising the bite point and ensuring that the clutch is fully disengaged. Instructions on how to do that are linked in the thread (http://www.miata.net/garage/adjust_clutch/index.html).

Given that I had always found the transmission on this car a bit of a weak spot, I was eager to have a go and last night I managed to squeeze myself into the footwell and get behind the clutch pedal (big guys beware....you might get stuck). I made the adjustments as per the instructions on the Miata thread and took the car for a drive.

The difference was immediately apparent. The bite point has been raised to a much more natural position - no longer only an inch or two off the carpet, it now bites about halfway up the pedal travel which makes for more fluid and natural feeling gear shifts. It's much easier to balance with the throttle. The car doesn't lurch when upshifting and accelerating hard (a problem I was convinced was down to my poor driving technique), and it downshifts into lower gears much more easily (a particular complaint with the 6 speed - it's incredibly hard to engage first gear at anyhting other than a dead stop; its now much easier to do this, albeit, still quite a struggle unless moving slowly). It also fixed the notorious 2nd gear problem - when cold, the first time you try to engage second gear, it is almost immpossible to get into gear. This morning, I rolled out of my garage and for the first time, I switched into second gear with ease.

There has been a lot of discussion about how an improved transmission fluid can help the baulkiness of the 6speed. I think this might be the next step for me, as when cold, the gears still feel a little notchy. However, adjusting the clutch pedal has transformed the car - it now feels like Im driving, rather than fighting it.

So, apologies once again for the manufactuer specific thread, but I really hope that the other MX5 owners here who have had the same problems with their gearbox and just accepted it as "the way the car is" get to see this and try the adjustment themselves. Read the Miata thread in detail and see what you think. I made the adjustment last night and I am ecstatic that it's improved the car so much for the sake of 10 minutes upside down in the footwell with a couple of spanners :)

My only dissapointment is that I didn't know about this when I bought the car a year ago. It really has been my only complaint with the car thus far.
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Firtly, apologies for posting a very manufacturer/model specific thread. However, I know there are a lot of MX5 owners here, so thought this information might be of some used to you.

Don't apologise, that's what Motors is for :)

(a particular complaint with the 6 speed - it's incredibly hard to engage first gear at anyhting other than a dead stop; its now much easier to do this, albeit, still quite a struggle unless moving slowly).

That's normal behaviour, it's to stop you lunching the engine. There's no reason you'd need 1st unless at a dead stop.
That's normal behaviour, it's to stop you lunching the engine. There's no reason you'd need 1st unless at a dead stop.

Disagree. I'd always found urban driving a complete chore in this car. Rolling up to a set of red lights in second gear just as they start to go green. Cant just accelerate because the revs have dropped so low that the engine begins to seriously labour. But because Im still rolling very slowly, I cant engage first gear. So I have the choice of shudder away from the lights in second, or, come to a dead stop, enage first and pull away again. Very frustrating when in others car I've driven, you can just gently push the stick into first, it would engage smoothly whilst still rolling and you could pull away with ease.

I agree with your sentiment, you usually only really need to pull away in first gear. But with the longer first gear, and a second gear ratio which isn't really sufficient when crawling along, not being able to get the car into first at very slow speeds in anticipation of moving off again was a serious annoyance.
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Ah thats a great link thanks!

We've owned a 2.0 6 speed for over 3 years now, we've not had any real 2nd gear issues but 1st gear is pretty much impossible when cold and 2nd is a bit notchy.

I'll give this a go when i get home tonight!

Since getting my spark plug issue sorted the car now feels a loads better so if i could make the gearbox a bit better aswell then it'll be sorted!
Ah thats a great link thanks!

We've owned a 2.0 6 speed for over 3 years now, we've not had any real 2nd gear issues but 1st gear is pretty much impossible when cold and 2nd is a bit notchy.

I'll give this a go when i get home tonight!

Since getting my spark plug issue sorted the car now feels a loads better so if i could make the gearbox a bit better aswell then it'll be sorted!

No problem. I would say, give the whole thread a good read and be gentle when adjusting the rod linkage behind the pedal. It didn't take much adjustment to raise my bite point, and if you go to far, you run the risk of the clutch not being fully engaged, which will of course lead to premature wear and overheating. I have ensured that I still have a fair amount of pedal play before the bite point.
Is it just my car or is not possible to go from 2nd or 3rd to 6th on the NC mx5. If i try this i get a crunch. But it is fine going to 6th from say 5th or 4th
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All of the symptoms are absolutely classic signs of a dragging clutch. If this is such a common problem I'm amazed it's taken this long to discover the underlying problem.
All of the symptoms are absolutely classic signs of a dragging clutch. If this is such a common problem I'm amazed it's taken this long to discover the underlying problem.

Apparently many people who have taken their cars back to the dealer have been told that it's normal for the car. Many who have approached the dealers asking them to adjust the clutch have been told that as the clutch is hydraulic, it can't be adjusted. Even though pages exist from the workshop manual outlining in detail not only how to adjust the pedal, but also the tolerances (I believe someone in the thread has uploaded a .pdf of the pages, although you may need an account to download them from miata.net).

I find this a bit disconcerting. I've long felt that the clutch/gearshift wasn't quite right, but thought a dragging clutch might be more obvious. As I said, I always thought that it was just the nature of the car and with reports of Mazda dealers themselves saying it was normal, why would anyone with only rudimentary mechanical knowledge think differently?

What annoys me is that I dread to think what extra strain this has been putting on my synchros. I hope that the box is as durable as it's reported to be.
I would like to raise this thread from the dead to say that I'll be trying this this weekend. I also thought that the other NC owners on the forum may appreciate this thread who may also know that it didn't exist! My clutch has a pretty low bite point at the moment, so I'm hoping it'll give it a more natural feeling.

I actually only found this thread through Googling about transmission fluid and the NC! I'll let you know how it goes once I've given it a go.
Ah thats a great link thanks!

We've owned a 2.0 6 speed for over 3 years now, we've not had any real 2nd gear issues but 1st gear is pretty much impossible when cold and 2nd is a bit notchy.

I'll give this a go when i get home tonight!

Since getting my spark plug issue sorted the car now feels a loads better so if i could make the gearbox a bit better aswell then it'll be sorted!

Interested to see if you have luck; this describes exactly the same issue I have with mine where 1st can take a lot of force/multiple attempts. Especially annoying when putting into gear from a standstill at the lights.
I think I started the curling tong thread not long after I posted this one because I was surprised there wasn't already an "MX5 owners..." thread on this forum where the information would fit :)

Hope the info helps you Cleisthenes. I don't own the car anymore, but I remember the issue. Actually had something similar with the current car (think it's the same gearbox). If you're at the southern meet in a couple of weeks, I might be there, I'd be interested to hear if this improves things for you.
I think I started the curling tong thread not long after I posted this one because I was surprised there wasn't already an "MX5 owners..." thread on this forum where the information would fit :)

Hope the info helps you Cleisthenes. I don't own the car anymore, but I remember the issue. Actually had something similar with the current car (think it's the same gearbox). If you're at the southern meet in a couple of weeks, I might be there, I'd be interested to hear if this improves things for you.
I'll be at the meet :)

Hopefully the rain stays away long enough for me to have a go this weekend!
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