FAO People of Canada!!! (no pics :( )

26 Aug 2003
The North
Now I know there are a few people who frequent these photography pages that are currently/have in the past, worked in Canada. I've been offered work over there so am currently looking into the whole visa application process and was looking for as much input as possible!

I was applying for short time work in Canada, for the experience of working there really. But now they have offered me a long term position, providing I can get the visa. It's very tempting!!!

So I have two options it seems:

Option one: Student Visa, I finished uni over a year ago but my student card was valid until this year, the company says I can still apply for a student visa but I’m not too sure after reading around. However since this visa is only short term (1 year) the job would be quite minimal, only about 4 months as they wouldn’t want to invest any more money in me knowing that I'd soon be leaving.

Option two: Get a full work visa and commit to a 3 year minimum stay. This would be my dream option! But I'm concerned about the visa, they seem very rare, and hard to come by! What are my chances? Does anyone have advice on making the odds of a successful application greater?

Will applying for a full visa mean i cant apply for a student visa later?

The job is with an engineering firm designing, building and testing pressure valves used all over the place, from oil refineries to nuclear power stations.

Any advice greatly received!

Also, to make this more photography related, which do you regard to be the best area to live regards photographic opportunities, Toronto or Alberta???

I should have probably been more specific regards the student visa, it was actually called the "student work abroad program". Is this the same non extendable method you used to work in Canada TerraS?

Is it possible to goto canada with the program and then apply for a work visa before the program is up to stay there for more then one year?

I'm reading up about it on the cic website but theres a lot of info! And it doesnt give much help regards which one carries the greatest chance for success for me!
So if i got there with the BUNAC visa I can't then apply for a work visa whilst I'm already there in order to overlap and let me stay for longer?

I think getting the job verifed is about to be done, they're confident it can be done easily as there are a multinational company which facilitates many canadians working abroad with them, which makes it easier for them to then allow immigrants to work in canada. Well, i guess i'll have to see with that.

If I get the BUNAC visa does the job still needs to be verified?
Wow! That sounds exactly like what I was hoping for, and its extremely helpful!!! :) :) :)

I've visited the BUNAC site and unfortuatly the 2006 non student application has finished for this year. But that shouldnt be a problem the job was scheduled to start until January. How long did your BUNAC application take to be processed?

I was tempted, but not going to risk it blagging their student status, as I have a student card that is valid until July of this year. But as I had changed courses at uni I finished in July of 2005 so I dont think I can apply for the BUNAC student program...
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