FAO rpstewart

19 Oct 2003
Olympia, WA, USA
I've seen your website gallery. I'm just wondering where you took this cool photo.

I presume it's somewhere in California.

Sorry for starting a thread, but I tried to send a PM but apparently I don't have the privileges to do such things. :(
I've never seen weather that good in Wales ;)

nomore, thanks for the comments. You're right, it is from California - it's the El Dorado river next to Highway 50 from Sacremento to South Lake Tahoe.

Oh and PMs are disabled for everyone...
scoop said:
....and it looks rather nice at A4, framed on the lounge wall, I might add! :D

I must say it does (but then I would), however I prefer the upriver view from the same spot myself.
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