FAO Running snakes

2 Nov 2004
Okay guys... I want to increase the distance/time that I run. For a while I have been perfecting my 3.5m run which I am fairly adept at but now I want to increase it...

My next aim is to eventually run 10m in 60 minutes. Quite harsh, but not impossible.

Tonight I went for a 4.5m run and managed to do it in 30 minutes - which is fair but it was quite harsh... but I like that. I just don't want to knacker my calfs out.

So, my plan is to increase the time I am running until I have reached an hour without putting too much stress on my calfs.

Would those of us who run longer distances please tell me whether it would be viable to add 5 minutes onto my runs every other day until I reach this, or would that be over-training?
Interesting post judge... what I am aiming for first is the ability to run for an hour first... so I don't think merely throwing a 14-18 mile run into the mix is a good idea, because that would take me hours and likely require a week to recover from at my present stage...

However, I do agree that once I reach the 1hr to 1hr15mins mark of running that I will have to vary my routines massively in order to get the timings I want. I can already do 3.5m in about 5.50 minute miles so I can run that pace. I don't know if I can get a mile under 5 minutes, but I may try...

Some of the best advice I have been given was from Gilly on interval training, which (along with elbow grease) has taken my time down by a minute... so I am certainly going to vary my training.

At the moment though, the first thing I should be able to do is to reach 1hr without having overtrained - so that I can go on 1hr ish runs every other day should I wish...
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