Far Cry 2 start, blurred vision...

15 Dec 2005
Just loaded FC2, right at the beginning it seemed fine.. got out of the htoel, into the street, then passed out...

I then awoke in another room with 2 men in, got the guns from the table, used the health things from the box on the wall.. but could not actually see anything.. everything is so blurred.. waited 5 minutes thinking it may just be the game, but everything is really hazy, so much so you cant relly see anything...

I only knew where the guns and box on the wall were because the first time the game loaded, this part was all clear... Dont understand why this was ok the very first time I played it, but the second, and subsequent times, after the inital escape and fight on the street, which was all fine, the next time I awake, I cant see anything...

Whats going on...????
Dont skip the videos and you might know whats going on

Good tip.. lol...

I had just built a new pc and was desperate just to see a game... I hadnt got audio working either, which didnt help!!!

I do now remember one of the geezers giving me something the first time I tried it...

Will try again tonight.. thanks
Watched all the videos, took all the health things.. and still completely blurred screen all over.. This is not to be confused with the mild blurry pulsing effect around the peripheral of the screen due to infeciton.. this is a complete full screen haze, and you can just make out fuzzy colours and shapes...

I will try reinstalling the game tonight...
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