Far Cry 360 vs Far Cry PC video comparison...WOW

15 Nov 2002
Be it from me to bash the PC as old tech but when you see this video of the xbox 360 version of far cry it does make me feel very happy that i dont need a top spec pc to play this game. :D


Boogle said:
The new Far Cry (Crysis) for the PC looks like the X360 Far Cry. You've got to remember Far Cry is a couple of years old now ;)

I know Far Cry is old mate but hey i have a £280 xbox 360 i can plug into my tv and play this game over xbox live. :D
Aspect said:
The 360 version looks absolutely stunning!

"We really worked on the water to make it as realistic as we could. The game is better in terms of detail even than the PC, I think. On the water, we have an oceanographic algorithm for waves; we think it's the most realistic it can be right now."

"We changed the engine to use the three cores, and we use them around 90 per cent of the time, which is how we are able to reach the 60 frames per second. :D

Chads said:
I don't think it's a particularly useful comparison, but those waves still look amazing.

The xbox live setup will be great as you can create maps and share them over xbox live for others to play on. :D
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Raikiri said:

That is what it should look like on a PC, the 360 version (whether a new game or not) does look better but it is 2 years later.

Excuse the crappy jpeg compression (paint)

If thats the best image a top spec pc can produce then i am glad that the xbox 360 version is coming out with its added extras. :p
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Sagalout said:
yeah, to be honest the video looks much more impressive than the stills.

Loved it on the pc and will definitely get this on the 360.

I never played this on the pc so it will be all new for me on the xbox 360 and xbox live. :D
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