Far Cry 4, repetitive?

25 Nov 2013
I really enjoyed Far Cry 3, the story was good and was easy to follow but now I'm currently playing far cry 4, it started out great but now the story just feels like a bunch of random side missions and it feels quite repetitive. Just wondering if this is something anybody else felt when they played it or is it just me and maybe the story gets better at some point?

Tempted to skip and go to far cry 5.
I felt FC5 was repetitive once you're 60% through. Lovely looking game, nice music, decent story. But what a grind at times.
I think they went more 'sandbox' feel with FC4 and FC5, after complaints that FC3 forced people into doing certain stages of the main storyline before they wanted to.

Ultimately, both are a bit repetitive in a sense of taking over outposts, killing bad guys etc - But I do like the approach they take with it - Do it your own way! If you normally stealth scout a place out first, next time go in all guns blazing. Or setup some house rules, i.e. don't use the best sniper rifle, only the bolt action ones?

I've enjoyed them, but ultimately I wouldn't pay full price for them.
If you want to avoid repetition, then I would stay clear of most (all?) Ubisoft games; they follow the same underlying design structure. FC5 and New Dawn are no exception. Imo. Just to add to this, I really liked 3 though.
Weird how we all liked 3 and didn't like their approach with 4 and 5.

Shame because 4/5 looked great and had a good base story.
Far Cry 4 gets a lot better when you get to fly the little helicopter things. The landscapes are pretty beautiful in places.
All the Far Cry games are repetitive, as are all Ubisoft games. It is what it is. I would recommend sticking to the main missions and avoiding all their side missions unless you enjoy repetitive boring grind.
I tried 2 a couple of times, but the malaria, breaking weapons, and bad-guys ability to catch and pass you in any vehicle really ground my gears.

I did think 3 made up for it though, 4 was a carbon-copy but still enjoyable. 5 was interesting, but they forced you down some paths which was irritating.

The first was a classic, even when the over-powered trigens got involved :-) 16+ years ago now!
I gave up on Far Cry after 3 as 2 & 3 were doing the same things over and over again. I only had Far Cry 3 and (to my mind the awful) Blood Dragon as they came with a GPU. The original was by far the best and I won't be going back to them again. Same with Assassins Creed. Doing the same thing over and over although in different settings. The fourth one was good though due to the ship battles. I no longer play AAA games as I find them ridiculously overpriced and most are similar these days. If I really want to play them I find it's better to wait a year or two and pick them up in a sale for next to nothing plus most bugs will have been ironed out by then.
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