Far cry games

24 Oct 2005
North East
Hey all.

Just wondering. Whats the far cry games like, i think i only played 1 and didnt like it that much tbh.

I know some of them are open world games but then the things like they say theres a local war lord or tribe etc kinda put me off as there just gona be gangs to shoot up instead of a say a corporation or goverenment kinda enemy.

Also is there crafting in them as i dont like doing any of that.

I guess im just after a more gta experience with loads of well scripted missions with a good overall story thats long and freedom to just mess around and only go in to combat if i fancy it i.e missions and then again not all missions need a shoot up in gta some can be easy going.

I hear some form of co-op is in some of em too, whats that like. Can you do it remote play so just 1 person owns it but another can hop in to help them out?

Just wondering if its like just cause games cos i really didnt fancy those either.

Just with them being on offer i thought maybe if i might like one i can get one cheap while on sale. If i did, is there one that anyone would recommend over the others and why?
1 was cool at the time but had very beamy AI

2 had a great setting and graphics for the time, I think the story was quite good but by God the respawning enemies and malaria were wearing

3 had a great story, setting and graphics but I felt it was just one long fetch quest, climbing radio towers and clearing compounds of enemies. Gunplay was good, but there is crafting. The protagonist from the first half was truly disturbing and brilliant at the same time

Haven't played any newer FC games, locked myself out of uplay :p
I haven't played any newer than 4 (although I do have them, it's just finding the time!)

Tbh from what you've described you probably won't like them, story wise they are OK, but you need to do things like hunt animals to craft items to hold more ammo etc. and capture outposts/climb radio towers to unlock weapons.

Depends how cheap you class them whether it's worth having a punt on one I suppose
The first was amazing though how it would fare for a full playthrough now, I'm not quite so sure. Maybe with mods - if there are any for the first title.

Far Cry Blood Dragon is one that I think you'd like.
Ubi are having a big sale on ATM why not pop over and pick yourself up FC3 (£2.55) and Blood Dragon (£1.87) two of the best games in the franchise for the cost of a pint of beer !!
Never delved into FC 1 & 2 but I decided to give FC3 a go not long after release and instantly took a liking to it, so much so I played the game again from scratch at the hard difficulty (originally played at normal, I think). I also spent more time doing stuff such as crafting / more exploring this time around.

Purchased FC4 near enough at release and it took me a bit longer to get into, I think during the first stint I only got about 1/4 into the game before I took a PC sabbatical for a couple of years but then got straight into it again when I restarted PC gaming - I soon got into it properly and overall enjoyed it, though afterwards and even now I still think FC3 is better in terms of story and setting.

FC5... I had really high hopes for it and I did initially spend a good three or four days of playing it once purchased but I soon got bored. I've tried many times since to get back into it but simply unable to stick with it, I've put it down to the story / setting - and also wayyy too many scenes that cut in at any random time and also especially at the very start, it feels like it goes on forever (never have been a fan of these dramatic scenes within games, I just like to load the game and instantly play). I will someday perhaps get around all that and finish the game once and for all.

Again, I have high hopes for FC6 now that is on the cards for release early next year... Especially as has been hinted that the story *might be* a FC3 prequel. We can only hope!

I would like to add that if you take all of the assists off it does totally change the nature of the games and make them much less arcady, definatley worth a try if you like a more hard core experience.
I think Far cry4 is the best, up in the Himalayas with all sorts of wild animals and of course the introduction of the Buzzer ( one man minicopter) Riding an Elephant and pressing the buttons to make it charge and ram cars with such force as to bowl them over was epic. Also the Crocodiles lurking under the Lilly pads, saw an Elephant get attacked by it's trunk and it flung the Croc halfway across the river. Had many happy hours playing that.
Remember playing Far Cry 1 on release and would happily sit in a top 10 games of all time list for me.

Far Cry 2 was ok but as already mentioned, respawning checkpoints and malaria made it a chore.

Far Cry 3 is the best of the new ones.
Surprised nobody has mentioned FC New Dawn yet, I skipped FC5 and played this instead. Now the main protagonists and story are a bit crap, but capturing the outposts is a huge amount of fun and I really digged the soundtrack.
Far Cry 1 was a completely different thing to the later ones. I loved the first one, at the time no-one had done a jungle fps like that and the sci-fi/lab thing was the icing on the cake for me.
Far Cry 1 was a completely different thing to the later ones. I loved the first one, at the time no-one had done a jungle fps like that and the sci-fi/lab thing was the icing on the cake for me.

There was also nothing else that gave you such open gameplay to approaching each area the way you wanted. Truly one of the first "off the rails" games.
If i did, is there one that anyone would recommend over the others and why?

The outdoor levels of the original Far Cry are awesome and I replay them still; the indoor levels, not so much. The outdoor levels let you choose how you get from A to B and in some levels you can use the monsters to soften up the enemy troops.
Far Cry Blood Dragon is one my favourite games. It's just hilarious and unapologetic.

Far Cry 3 had a great character in Vaas but everything else was a bit repetitive.

Far Cry 5 was just meh.

No opinion on FC4, New Dawn or Primal.
I really like them, they're just fun, simple as. Occasionally they have interesting plots and development but it's mostly about the guns, mobility and open world.

My first game was Far Cry 3 which I got free on a promotion offer. I thought it was just another random shooter and pretty much dismissed it until one Christmas period I installed it due to boredom. I loved it, it's still my favourite of the series. I also really enjoyed Far Cry 5 which for some reason got hate that I don't understand. Far Cry 4 was OK, I just didn't like the characters (aside from Pagan Min), and New Dawn, Blood Dragon and Primal are not on the same level as the main episodic games IMO.

It's interesting how everyone's opinions on the series is so varied.
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