Far Cry is going Post Apocalyptic (Far Cry 6)

Teaser Trailer

Bring it on, nukes with Far Cry graphics may the Hype train start again

Full announcement coming out 7th December
I enjoyed the villain in 3, made the game for me imo. Never played 4 or Primal. Hopefully they get a fleshed out script
It's difficult for me to quantify my opinion of the Far Cry series. I've played and enjoyed all of them. However, imo just like some of these superhero films that are churned out on mass every year, there's nothing inherently wrong with them; they can be fun to watch, but at the same time, they are nothing greater than just "ok".
Fallout Far Cry 6, you say?

Joking aside, they could take the crown that Bethesda is busily throwing away at the moment.
Far Cry New Dawn. I've put the cover in spoilers as it's a bit big.

i'll deffo be getting this i really enjoy these games. i just hope there's a better selection of weapons this time around (doubt it though).
It looks to me like women are going to be the ones in charge of a post-nuclear world. Weapons are going to be ramshackle things that are fashioned from other bits and pieces like in Fallout or something.

The fact that this is out so early after the last game has me quite concerned. Gamers are so easily hyped up these days they'll rush out to preorder it over the smallest thing without looking at how the hell Ubisoft can produce a follow up title so rapidly.

No way am I paying full price for this given how flaws FarCry 5 was.
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