Far cry problem please help!

22 Feb 2006
Hi all, I am playing farcry and when i get into the armoury later in the game when the girl drives the forklift truck out of the building i follow her out on foot and when the scene finishes and it starts to load the next level which has a picture of a glass dome on it the game just doesn't finish loading and sticks there on the load screen, i have replayed this bit a few times but it always does the same!! any ideas it is patched to V1.32 and it says build 1385 on it if this helps the rest of the game has been fine but i am frustrated as i can't go any further.
thanks in advance
Oddly enough did this for the 1st time this afternoon. Mine sat there for ages but eventually loaded (was at least a couple of min's).
Try updating to the latest patch (v1.33) and also have a look on the farcry forums as i seem to remember seeing some posts on this sort of thing.

I seem to remember having a similar bugs on two levels where it kept crashing on the load screen. In the end I had to use earlier save points.
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