Far Cry - Realistic Difficulty

5 Aug 2004
North East England
Is there anyone here that has actually completed Far Cry (Patch 1.4) on Realistic difficulty? It's totally impossible! I'm getting killed through walls and everything. I keep getting killed at the same point by some guy that is nowhere to be seen. Only on the ship level aswell :p

Jack Bauer said:
I made it quite far, but when you get to the hard bits on medium its impossible on realistic. Couldnt manage it on the next setting down either, got right to the end and I just couldnt do the last crator level.

I seem to spend half my time loading saves :rolleyes:

So you're saying I should start on med or it's pointless playing? :p
Duff-Man said:
If you're having trouble already then do yourself a favour and restart on medium.

The first few levels are a breeze, but later on when you start fighting the trigens things can get really tough.

I'm doing fine and just popping them all in the head. It's just when I finally get out onto the boat deck and kill all there men, where there is a gattling gun at the far end, I turn right and go up the stairs. But just as I step onto them I laced into from nowhere, i've looked absolutely everywhere and I don't even know where the bullets are coming from.
I've already completed the game sometime last year on medium difficulty. But since then i've had some new hardware and wanted to test it out all max. Thought I may aswell try the hardest level also :)
eekfek said:
right gonna install farcry again, aint played it in beards!, i guess 1,4 is the patch ill need ? anything else ?

I downloaded the 1.4 patch but it asked me for the 1.33 patch. I got that and it asked me for 1.31 patch. I got that and it asked me for 1.3 patch. And all the way to the first patch. So make sure you get them all :D

I'll post up a screenshot of where I get killed everytime on realistic and see if you have any trouble also. Can't at the moment as i'm at work. It'll be up around 5pm tonight.
Anim said:
Have completed on realistic (if thats the hardest setting?) and didnt bother with any others. id be lying if i said i had no troubles with it but its certainly do-able.

a lot of the time I just sit around a corner and wait for them to run around and pop them all in the head with a deagle. I also want to do as much as I can with the deagle as it's my favourite :) Can't wait to get hold of the sniper rifle also.

Going to just try legging it past those stairs and hope for the best. :o
AsLan said:
If I am right about where you are, there are a couple of mercs above the gattling gun, have you got them? Go to the gun and look up, you should see them.

Yeah you've got the right part. But there's nothing there. Even tried using the binoculars but I think it doesn't work on this level because of all the steel or something.
tedmaul said:
I completed the game on every difficulty level apart from Realistic - it's just too brutal. Couldn't even get past the first couple of levels.

The next one down is a great challenge though, and perfectly do-able.

I agree... Going to start again on the one below. Should only take a few hours to get back to where I am, not even that depending on how difficult it actually is. :)
Anim said:
Bah you all give up too easily :) one key thing on realistic is that headshots really do count, also silent weapons are a god-send sometimes though you have to go for all out damage and make every shot count. The little trigens shouldnt give you too much trouble, the ones with built in rocket launchers are a bit more of a pain ;)

What about getting pwned by invisible people? :p

Edit: Veteran is way, way, way, way, way, way easier than Realistic. I just stole a boat from the beginning and went around the carrier thing and killed everything on it. Not sure if it'll carry into next level though :p
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